Category Archives: Pitch ‘n’ Goal

State Your Goal and Kick Ass Do It!

It’s March and it’s third month of the year. How have your new year resolutions been? Have you taken some positive steps toward achieving your goals in 2014?

Pitch ‘n’ Win and Dynamic NLP Group members gathered over weekend for a special event on 9th March 2014 to reflect and set goals for the month.

The event had a provocative name called Pitch ‘n’ Goal – State Your Goal and Kick Ass Do It! The session started with everyone briefly introduced himself or herself.

Then NLP coach Kriztel Kok gave a sharing on goal setting using NLP to the group. She showed the “wheel of life” where we can assess our achievements in 10 different areas of life and plan what we might do next.

Kriztel Kok shared goal setting with NLP

Kriztel Kok shared goal setting with NLP

After the talk, everyone took turn to share a goal for the month of March. Some gave very specific goals, some shared goals for the whole year, while some spoke generally on what they wanted to achieve in life.

As usual, the group chose the 2 most interesting sharing among the members. The chosen members were Evelyn Loh and Nitesh Singh.

Everyone learned something important in life. It’s not just goal setting, but also finding out the life areas to look into, and the right goals to set!

Photo album – Pitch ‘n’ Goal – State Your Goal and Kiss Ass Do It